Dr. Andrew Vitiello PhD

E: andrew@willoughby.health
Days: Tuesday (Morning),
Wednesday (Afternoon)

Andrew is an academic and clinician with over 25 years experience. He completed his PhD at Macquarie University investigating the effects of school backpack design on muscular fatigue and perceived exertion in school children. Academically, Andrew is a Senior Lecturer at Central Queensland University in the School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences as well as being Vice-President of Chiropractic Australia.

Andrew is a strong advocate of evidence based practice in musculoskeletal allied healthcare holding a particular interest in the management of persistent pain, complex spinal pain and lumbopelvic disorders. He takes a multimodal approach with his patient’s with a focus on assisting patients develop exercise and activity based strategies to allow the patient to take control of their situation and provide safe and sustainable outcomes.

● Complex Spinal Pain
● Migraine/Headache
● Whiplash Associated Disorder
● Inflammatory Spondyloarthropathy
● Persistent Low Back Pain
● Hip Injury
● Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

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